Heroku | Upgrade Database from Dev to Basic

Heroku is a great tool for developers. It allows you to easily deploy applications without having to worry about setting up servers, networking, hosting, etc. Essentially, you don’t need to be an IT pro to get your app up on the web so others can use it.

Rails Issue Tracker with jQuery Front End

I updated my existing Rails Issue Tracker application and plugged in a jQuery Front End. This project turned out to be one of the most challenging ones I’ve had take on. The main issue was that my brain had to switch from strictly writing Ruby on Rails and now deal with many new stacks. I now had to implement the knowledge and methodology of Javascript and have it play with a working Rails application.

Rails Issue Tracker

I have just completed building the Rails Issue Tracker application. This is a huge submission to complete the Ruby on Rails section for Flatiron School. This project really pushed me to my limits and forced me to try many new things, troubleshoot a ton, and practice calmness to not throw my keyboard at something. All joking aside, this was a truly amazing experience where I realized that I have actually learned a ton of new skills and I can actually meet the requirements for these final projects.

FoodMe Sinatra Project

To complete the Sinatra section of the Flatiron Online Web Developer program, you must build your own web application. The requirements are that you build an MVC Sinatra Application. That you use ActiveRecord with Sinatra, use Multiple Models, which have at least one ‘has_many’ relationship. The application must also have user accounts which allows only entries created by that user to be changed or deleted. Finally, the user input should be validated to ensure bad data is not created.

SQL, ActiveRecord, and Sinatra

Its been a while since I have updated the blog. I have continued working hard toward the completion of the Learn program. There have of course been very highs and lows, times where some concepts were very hard to understand and wrap my head around. I have found that asking people for help goes a long way and for any code issue, there are many different ways you can resolve it. I find this very intriguing, at times it can tell you how different people think through issues as they express it via code. I hope to continue learning as much as possible and to continue reaching out to others to either learn or help them learn a concept.

On Scraping, Object Orientated Ruby, and Border Waits

My journey through Flatiron School’s Learn program continues. So far, Object Oriented Ruby has been the more challenging concept to understand. At this point, I finally have a good grasp of the fundamentals and some additional skills that allow me to create effective and functional applications. One of the hardest concepts to understand is that you can abstract pretty much everything into an object. By turning items into objects in programming, you are provided with tools that let you collect data, iterate through it, and present specific data you need. By using the tools taught in the Object Oriented portion of the curriculum, I now feel confident in using these skills.

Visualizing Git Repos with Gource

I am fairly new to the world of coding, but already feel like I’m immersed in this world. As I am going through the Full Stack Web Development Course at Flatiron School, I can’t stop wanting to learn more and more. I just completed the HTML and CSS portions of the course and have jumped back onto Ruby. I’ve gotten pretty comfortable with using Git and doing all the cloning, forking, pushing, pulling, and checking out branches. I have come to understand why developers and organizations put so much importance in versioning their code to ensure there is traceability and backup of their source files.

System Down, Commence Coding!

I quit my job. Wow, still looks crazy and scary to see it in writing! After working in the Information Technology for the last 12 years, I have decided to finally jump into the programming world.

Why I Decided to Learn Software Development

Ever since I got my hands on my very first computer I wanted to know how it worked and how it made things happened. I was fascinated by how my input could drive things to happen and it would tell hardware to follow processes. I grew up building, fixing, and upgrading computers. I pretty much stayed on the hardware and systems side for most of my life. I went to college and started a career in Information Technology focusing primarly on server, networking, and operations side of the industry. Here and there I would pick up a few bit of knowledge and skill set on coding, but I never really dove in. I picked up HTML, a bit of CSS, and some php in order to get some simple sites up, but as time went by I never really dug into this to take myself to the next level. I learned Java, C++, Python as well, but with no real world application at my work, these skills were never really practiced and those concepts and knowledge were forgotten.